Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss


It’s the beloved Dr. Seuss’ Birthday this week!  If your kids would love to celebrate, then there are two fun library events on Thursday.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Read-a-thon and Party
Thursday, March 3; 4:00pm – 5:15 pm
Where: North Highlands-Antelope Library
What: Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ 107th birthday with cake and refreshments.  They will read classics such as Green Eggs & Ham, The Cat in the Hat, Sneetches and more.
Info: saclibrary.org

Dr. Seuss Birthday Party
When: Thursday, March 3; 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: South Natomas Library
What: Enjoy craft activities, games and birthday treats with a special visit from the Cat in the Hat.
Cost: FREE

Written by Keilah Woodard

Keilah Woodard

My love for exploring and creating experiences with my three kids led to the founding of SacramentoSidetracks.com in 2009. I realized that Sacramento has so much to offer and I was excited to share my findings with other parents. Besides simply having fun, these are the other positive side effects of taking my kids on outings that I’ve discovered: we have quality time together away from the distractions at home, we cultivate our curiosity, learn new things, conversations are triggered by what we see and do, we connect and bond as a family, and we create new memories. Ready to get sidetracked, too? Let me be your guide!