1. BUILD A SOCCER GAME at the Home Depot Kids Workshop.
2. Enjoy STORYTIME at Barnes & Noble book store.
3. Learn, play and get wet at Star Eco Station’s CHILDREN’S WORLD OCEAN DAY.
4. See THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER at the Chautaqua Playhouse.
5. Bring a picnic dinner to POPS IN THE PARK.
6. Eat, play and listen to live music at SUMMERPALOOZA.
7. Design a CAVE PAINTING at the Discovery Museum.
8. Giggle at the LITTLE RED RIDING Puppet Show at Fairytale Town.
9. Get your face painted and be entertained by Francie Dillon at SUMMER READING MEGA-SPLASH!
10. Hang out with your family and enjoy kids activities at the SUMMER CONCERT SERIES.