Fri, Aug 19 – Sun, Aug 21
1. Roast marshmallows and hear Indian stories around Maidu Museum’s CAMPFIRE. Fri
2. Be inspired by young performers in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at Davis Musical Theatre. Fri-Sun
3. Dance, swim, and create at the CHILDREN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL. Sat
4. Craft a robotic grabber during ROBOTS IN ACTION at the Discovery Museum. Sat-Sun
5. Get out your wiggles at Funtastic’s INDOOR PLAYGROUND for Weekend Open Play. Sat-Sun
6. Picnic, play, and cool off at a SPRAYGROUND. Fri-Sun
7. Try out instruments with the Fenix Dance & Drum company at DANCE AND DRUM FOR JOY. Sat
8. Enjoy STORYTIME at your local Barnes and Noble. Sat
9. Make FLOWERS FOR YOUR NEW TEACHER at Lakeshore Learning in Roseville. Sat
10. Explore and learn at Crocker Art Museum’s DROP, YAK, SPLAT for families. Sun